Thursday, February 4, 2010

Reasons for moving

I have been thinking for the last few days.

I have been thinking about the reasons why I would like to move to Canada. It has also got me thinking about whether or not I can get this a lot closer to where I live at the moment.

I am not dismissing the idea of moving but I think I should have other options. Like would a move to Europe be better. What is northern Europe like. The enviroment looks very much like Canada. There is another option of Northern Scotland. This would be very much different to where we are living at the moment, but it would be a lot more atainable for us. We would be able to move a lot quicker.

I mentioned it to my partner today and he would be happy to move to the north of Scotland. There are also a lot of Islnads in the north that I know he would be interested in moving to. Though I have been told that it is hard to get settled into these communities. I have been thinking of keeping to the mainland instead.

One thing that I could do would be to relocate within Scotland before moving across to Canada. While it has been good living in this town, I am getting ready to move somewhere else.

Somewhere not too far away from Inverness would be good or there is a town in the very north which I think looks lovely. It is called Thurso and for a northern Scottish town it has a good population.


Here are some pictures of Thurso:








1 comment:

  1. Hi, have you been to Inverness before? It's not a big city. I live just North of it, and want to move as it's so boring here.
